Authors are invited to submit their final paper with a minimum length of four A4 pages and a maximum length of six A4 pages.
Please note the following conditions:
- At least one of the authors of each paper must register and attend the conference
- Each registered author may present a maximum of two papers
- All accepted papers that comply with IEEE Publishing Policy will be published in the conference proceedings, unless otherwise requested by the author
- Only minor changes to a paper will be possible after acceptance
- "No shows" or non-payment of the registration fee will prohibit inclusion of paper(s) in the published proceedings
Best Student Paper Award
There will be an award for the best student paper at the conference. To be considered for the award the work presented in the paper must have been mainly carried out by the student, and the student must present the paper at the conference. All accepted papers that have been marked as a student submission (part of the the submission process) will be considered for short-listing for the award.
We have shortlisted 6 oral papers for this award based on the score they received in the review process. The 6 student authors will present their papers in 2 sessions on day 1 (28.06.2017) of the conference. See the programme for details of the authors, paper titles, and session schedules. A committee of GPR experts will select the winner, who will receive a prize to be presented at the conference dinner.
Instructions for submission of final paper
Please login to our paper submission system which will guide you through the following steps, given here for information:
- Take into account the comments and suggestions made by reviewers when preparing your revised your paper.
- Since the conference proceedings will be published in IEEEXplore, you must format your paper using the IEEE template for conference proceedings. Use either the LaTeX or Microsoft Word (.doc) A4 template (be sure to use the template conference mode). Papers that do not adhere to the template cannot be accepted for publication.
- Make a PDF file of your paper
- Setup an account and check compliance of your PDF file using the IEEE PDF eXpress® tool with the IWAGPR2017 conference ID: 40444X
Please be aware that creating an IEEE PDF eXpress® account and checking your PDF file can take some time, so it is recommended to check compatibility problems as early as possible. - Download and complete the IEEE Copyright Form. You can use either the Microsoft Word (.doc) or PDF version of the form (from the Viewable and printable versions section of the page), but if you use the Microsoft Word version you should save the completed form as a PDF. On the IEEE Copyright Form, the IEEE Publication Title should be written as: 2017 9th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR).
- Submit both a PDF file of your paper and a PDF of the completed IEEE Copyright Form through our paper submission system (you may replace your PDF file in our submission system at any time until the deadline).
Information for oral presentations

If your paper has been accepted for oral presentation we kindly ask you to adhere to the following instructions:
- Your presentation should last no longer than 15 minutes. A 20 minute time slot has been allocated for each presentation to allow time for questions and discussion after the talk. Session chairs have been instructed to rigorously enforce this schedule.
- Please use either Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF format for your presentation. Aspect ratios of either 4:3 or 16:9 are supported.
- Please bring your presentation on a USB memory stick, and ensure it has been uploaded to our system no later than 15 minutes prior to the start of your session. One of our local organisers can upload your presentation at either the Registration Desk or in one of the presentation rooms. Coffee/lunch breaks are ideal opportunities to do this.
- A laptop connected to a projector will be available in all presentation rooms. We discourage presenters from bringing their own laptop to minimise breaks between papers.
- Please be at the presentation room 15 minutes before session starts and introduce yourself to the session chairs.
Information for poster presentations

If your paper has been accepted for poster presentation we kindly ask you to adhere to the following instructions:
- Your poster should summarize your paper concisely and attractively to help publicise it and generate discussion.
- Posters must be A0 portrait size, i.e. height - 1189mm, width - 841mm. We discourage presenters from constructing their poster from multiple A4 or A3 sheets.
- Please mount your poster only onto the poster board with number corresponding to your paper ID. Double-sided or hook and loop fixings will be provided.
- You must be available beside your poster during your allocated poster session to present and discuss your work with interested delegates.
- As part of the poster sessions, prior to poster viewing, there will be an opportunity to introduce your work to delegates for 2 minutes using 2 slides. This is an opportunity to maximise exposure of your work and attract delegates to your poster. Please inform us if you would not like to participate in the 2 minute/2 slide section.
- We recommend you mount your poster at the start of the conference and leave it mounted for the duration of conference.
Artwork for presentations
The IWAGPR2017 conference logo is available to download in a variety of formats if you wish to use it in your oral or poster presentation.